Hello! Yep, it’s me. It’s been too long since I’ve reached out to you. I’m sorry about that. Instead of 2021 filled with writing a new series and the release of Hunt For Orion, the last book in my Guardians of Orion trilogy, a health crisis blindsided me. I had surgery in May and am finally feeling like my old self! Thank Goodness! During this time of mental fatigue and physical exhaustion, an insidious behavior crept into my daily life. Mindlessly scrolling through my social media apps and spending waaayyyy too much time doing it! Worse, my empathic personality road the emotional ups and downs of social media posts, depleting my precious health reserves. During my road to recovery, the compulsion to check my phone or surf the internet still had a firm grip on me. I was easily distracted, finding it difficult to get my writing chops back in shape. Why couldn’t I get back to work? Because I broke the golden rule of productivity. I squandered precious and valuable time. And that pissed me off. Hence, the 30-day Digital Detox. Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport is a fabulous road map on how to declutter your social media, streaming apps, and video games for 30-days. When done, the crucial work is discerning each app’s worth and carefully decide if you want to add it back into your life… with limits.The Detox takes some planning. I had to figure out what I would get rid of, let my social and business platforms know, and decide how I would fill this newfound time. Let me just say, it was so freeing offloading those apps from my home screen! Case in point. It’s 6:30 in the morning and I’m writing this newsletter, not on my social media! High Five!!!! I’ll keep you updated on my detox progress over the coming weeks, as well as sharing my revamped newsletter. I’m excited to unpack both of these with you next week! That’s all for now! Thank you for sticking with me! I promise to make it worth your while! Please contact me if you have questions about the 30-Day Digital Detox. I’d love to hear from you! Cheers and Happy Reading! S.L. |